Directions and trends in brand building in detergent products

Brand recognition is crucial for long term growth being also paramount in expansion in local and international markets, reason why always acclaimed as one of the most important company assets.

The presentation will illustrate the laundry care industry with  successful strategies by selected market leaders and how they build and increase brand awareness and how global trends are  impacting their current brand communication.

We will look into  the brand building pillars  -   positioning, promise, purpose, personality and promotion -  illustrated by examples from leading laundry detergent brands across regions.

To reinforce the importance of the right brand building strategy we will focus on case studies  and the  evolution path in brand identity  and how is being influenced by  an ongoing changing environment and global trends -  from performance towards  sustainable performance.

As key takeaways we will share a summary with insightful learnings for successful brand building for the  LOCAL  laundry detergent industry and  local brands, also as vital food for thought   for the leaders considering all success factors prior exploring foreign markets